Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Make Your own Paper

You can make your own paper at home. There's always plently of extra newspaper, junk mail and scrap paper around.

Follow these steps.

It's easy, it's fun. The paper can be used for greeting cards, posters, wrapping paper, fine art and much more.

Be creative, not only can you add a personalized water-mark to your paper, you can add dried flowers or even seeds. When you include seeds in your paper your card will sprout seeds once it is buried.

Have fun!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Rainforest Matters

Experts agree that by leaving the rainforests intact and harvesting it's many nuts, fruits, oil-producing plants, and medicinal plants, the rainforest has more economic value than if they were cut down to make grazing land for cattle or for timber. Learn more about the rainforests

Did you Know?

Hemp fiberboard produced by Washington State University was found to be twice as strong as wood-based fiberboard.

Learn more about Hemp

Bamboo for paper and more . . .

Bamboo is a tough plant that grows like gangbusters in many climates around the world.

This durable plant can be made into paper and fine fabric.

A viable alternative to trees.

Learn more about Bamboo